The Power of Thought by Shiba

In the silence of the mind, dreams begin to grow,
What you think, you become, this much we know.
Thoughts are seeds, planted deep within,
Nurtured by belief, that’s where it all begins.

A whisper to the universe, a wish so clear,
What you seek is seeking you, no need to fear.
With every breath, align with the light,
The path you desire will come into sight.

Like attracts like, this truth is pure,
Hold onto the vision, strong and sure.
Your heart’s desire, a magnet it becomes,
Drawing in the joys and the outcomes.

Gratitude amplifies, what you now possess,
The universe responds, with more to bless.
Feel it in your soul, as if it’s already here,
In the space of your heart, let go of fear.

Believe you deserve, and it shall be,
Your thoughts shape reality, can’t you see?
Every word, every thought, a vibration sent,
Manifesting your future, the universe’s intent.

Let love and joy be your guiding star,
For what you focus on, is what you are.
The law is simple, yet profound and true,
What you give to the world, returns to you.

In the silence of the mind, dreams begin to grow,

What you think, you become, this much we know.

Thoughts are seeds, planted deep within,

Nurtured by belief, that’s where it all begins.

A whisper to the universe, a wish so clear,

What you seek is seeking you, no need to fear.

With every breath, align with the light,

The path you desire will come into sight.

Like attracts like, this truth is pure,

Hold onto the vision, strong and sure.

Your heart’s desire, a magnet it becomes,

Drawing in the joys and the outcomes.

Gratitude amplifies, what you now possess,

The universe responds, with more to bless.

Feel it in your soul, as if it’s already here,

In the space of your heart, let go of fear.

Believe you deserve, and it shall be,

Your thoughts shape reality, can’t you see?

Every word, every thought, a vibration sent,

Manifesting your future, the universe’s intent.

Let love and joy be your guiding star,

For what you focus on, is what you are.

The law is simple, yet profound and true,

What you give to the world, returns to you.

Shiba Inu Tarot Reading - Check Your Fortune!
Check your fortune with Shiba Inu Tarot Reading. Love, financial, and overall fortunes read by Shiba Inu!
