Heaven’s Sensation by Shiba

In the realm of sight, where colors play,
A sunrise’s hue, the end of day.
Beauty paints the sky so vast,
In visions pure, my soul is cast.

With every note the world imparts,
Melodies that touch our hearts.
Birdsong sweet or ocean’s roar,
In sound, my spirit starts to soar.

The scent of flowers on the breeze,
Or spices from far distant seas.
Each aroma, rich and rare,
Brings heaven’s touch to earthly air.

A taste of sweetness, sour, or spice,
In every bite, a small paradise.
From savory meals to treats we crave,
Through taste, we find the joy we save.

The gentle touch of softest fur,
A loved one’s hug, the warmth they stir.
Through skin, we feel the world’s embrace,
In tactile moments, heaven’s grace.

To find what brings us peace and light,
We delve within, both day and night.
In senses deep, our hearts confide,
Where heaven’s secrets gently hide.

So seek the sights that make you whole,
The sounds that harmonize your soul.
In scents and tastes, and touches fine,
Discover where your heavens shine.

In the realm of sight, where colors play,

A sunrise’s hue, the end of day.

Beauty paints the sky so vast,

In visions pure, my soul is cast.

With every note the world imparts,

Melodies that touch our hearts.

Birdsong sweet or ocean’s roar,

In sound, my spirit starts to soar.

The scent of flowers on the breeze,

Or spices from far distant seas.

Each aroma, rich and rare,

Brings heaven’s touch to earthly air.

A taste of sweetness, sour, or spice,

In every bite, a small paradise.

From savory meals to treats we crave,

Through taste, we find the joy we save.

The gentle touch of softest fur,

A loved one’s hug, the warmth they stir.

Through skin, we feel the world’s embrace,

In tactile moments, heaven’s grace.

To find what brings us peace and light,

We delve within, both day and night.

In senses deep, our hearts confide,

Where heaven’s secrets gently hide.

So seek the sights that make you whole,

The sounds that harmonize your soul.

In scents and tastes, and touches fine,

Discover where your heavens shine.

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