Sweep Your Way to Wealth by Shiba

You found this page, now wealth is near,
Money flows without a fear.
With every step, you’re guided right,
Abundance fills your world with light.

As you clear the clutter, gold appears,
Bringing riches, calming fears.
Scrub the floors, and sweep the space,
Watch fortune come with a steady pace.

A simple act, a clean start bright,
Opens doors to wealth and light.
Even as you scrub and sweep,
Money flows in, rich and deep.

You found this page, now wealth is near,

Money flows without a fear.

With every step, you’re guided right,

Abundance fills your world with light.

As you clear the clutter, gold appears,

Bringing riches, calming fears.

Scrub the floors, and sweep the space,

Watch fortune come with a steady pace.

A simple act, a clean start bright,

Opens doors to wealth and light.

Even as you scrub and sweep,

Money flows in, rich and deep.

Shiba Inu Tarot Reading - Check Your Fortune!
Check your fortune with Shiba Inu Tarot Reading. Love, financial, and overall fortunes read by Shiba Inu!
